School Booklet
1. Absences
Parents are requested to phone the school office on 8686660 or text a message to
027 228 5635 to notify us of absences or lateness. When calling please state:
1. Your Name
2. Child’s name
3. Room Number
4. Reason for absence or lateness
The responsibility for advising the school rests with parents/caregivers. When no contact is made and no reason given for your child’s absence then they will be marked as being Truant.
2. Accidents at School
Should children be involved in minor/major accidents or fall sick during the day parents/caregivers will be contacted. Please ensure that the school office has a current record of phone numbers for emergency contacts.
3. Assemblies
School assemblies are held every Monday at 9:00 a.m. and Friday at 2:15 p.m. Parents are most welcome to attend. Each team also has a weekly assembly.
4. Buildings, Grounds and Facilities
Team Toroa are Rooms 1,2 and 3 with Years 5 & 6
Team Karearea are Rooms 4,6 and 7 with Years 3,4 & 5
Team Weka are Rooms 10, 11 and 12 with Years 2 & 3 & 4
Team Pukeko are Rooms 8, 13 and 14 with New Entrants and Year 1
The school Hall is a fantastic building and asset. This includes our library, staffroom, changing rooms, kitchen, toilet facilities and large storage areas.
We have an awesome bike track that surrounds our school field and we welcome whānau to use a dn enjoy it out of school hours.
The main Administration Block has a large foyer area with a waiting room, Secretary’s Office, Principal’s Office, AP/DP Office, and Interview Room.
The Library is a well resourced facility that stores children’s library materials and teaching resources. A Library Assistant is employed to allow access during the day, especially before school and lunchtimes.
Other facilities include a swimming pool, large playing fields and playscape areas.
The school has a Licensed Preschool, Awapuni Early Learners, on site behind the Junior Block.
The Board of Trustees allows sensible use of the school grounds during out of school hours
5. Child/Parent Personal Records
It is important that our records regarding home address, telephone numbers, emergency contacts and family doctor be kept current. Should there be any changes or additions please keep the school office informed. Parents must inform the school of special arrangements such as who may pick up children from school, which bus or taxi picks up children for after-school care and any sensitive custody issues.
6. Handling Matters of Concern
In any large organisation of people there are always concerns that arise from time to time. If you have concerns regarding your child’s education or welfare please contact the teacher closest to the problem and, if necessary, follow up with the Principal. The school has a policy on “Handling Matters of Concern” which you can request from the office.
7. Cycling
With the school situated in an increasingly busy area, the Police advise that children below the age of ten years should be discouraged from riding a bike to and from school – especially as they would be traveling at busy times of the day. We would very much appreciate your cooperation in this matter and also ask that regular checks of bicycles be made at home. Helmets are compulsory. It is important all cyclists have a good bike lock to ensure the security of bikes in the bike sheds. Bikes are kept at school at the owner's risk.
8. Health & Medical Register
We keep a Health Register containing confidential information about children’s health. If children require medicine on a regular or occasional basis, please advise the school office with details of the ailment and the administering of medicine.
Occasional medicine, e.g. antibiotics, may be kept in the medical room or office on a short term basis. Asthma inhalers or allergy medicines may be retained in the medical cabinet. Clear labeling is required. For any life threatening allergies such as bee sting allergy a small photo of the child is required for display in the medical room.
First Aid treatment – we will attend to any child who suffers an accident at school. For any head injury of fall where a spinal injury may have occurred the school will call an ambulance and then notify parents. Parents will be called if it is considered that a doctor’s advice is necessary.
ALERT!! Bee sting allergic children must have medication at school.
ASTHMA! Children with asthma medication need to have a copy of their
Asthma Plan held at school.
9. Homelearning
The school believes that the habit of home learning should be established but children and families should not be overburdened with it.
Junior students bring home reading each night. Parents are asked to share the book with their child and sign their child’s Home Communications book before returning all books to school the next day. Older children may be given an activity to complete which usually relates to current inquiry topics.
Senior students may bring home weekly reading, learning addition and multiplication tables and spelling. Guidelines are listed in your child’s Home Learning book for reference.
10. Reporting to Parents
Teachers are happy to discuss student progress at any time during the year. If you have an inquiry that will take more than two or three minutes, please arrange an appointment with the class teacher. More formal procedures include a “Meet the Teacher” evening held in February, a formal mid-year Parent Interview, Portfolios for Assessment Parent Information Evenings and Student-Led Conferences in term four. Many opportunities for you to participate in the student reporting process are given. We are continually making attempts to improve the process so that you are well informed to support your child’s learning.
11. Lost Property, Jewellery, Toys and Personal Items
It is important all clothing – particularly garments removed at school – are clearly named. Lost property is regularly displayed for reclaiming, and is stored outside the Office. Parents are encouraged to make regular checks for missing clothing.
Children are discouraged from wearing jewelry, other than watches, to school. Some items can be dangerous when children are participating in physical activity.
Children must not bring personal toys to school. The school cannot be responsible for the security of valuable items.
12. Litter/Waste/Recycling Control
The school operates a zero-waste policy. This means that all paper is placed in recycle bins and food scraps to pig buckets. All lunch wrappers are taken home. This procedure will also help parents keep a check on what food is eaten at school. Recycling is strongly promoted.
13. Library
The school library is used regularly by all classes. Children are responsible for returning books. If books are outstanding at the end of term parents are asked to pay the cost to cover the replacement of the book.
The HB Williams Memorial Library is also visited regularly with children being able to exchange books and learn good library skills.
14. Kapa Haka and Tikānga Māori
There is enormous interest by children in participating in Kapa Haka. Sessions are taken each week. We value tikānga Māori and incorporate Te Reo Māori in our daily classroom programmes and have built a positive relationship with our local Hāpu, Ngai Tawhiri.
15. Newsletters
Newsletters will be sent home to families fortnightly to keep the community in touch with all school matters. Teams issue frequent newsletters as need arises. Sports teams are also kept informed by newsletters. The Parent Support Group (PSG) issue information from time to time though our school newsletter. The Board of Trustees news comes via the main School Newsletter issued by the Principal.
Note: School-wide newsletters are sent by email to the email address given at the time of enrolment. Please email the school at if your email address changes.
16. Parent and Community Support
Parent/caregiver involvement in classroom programmes at all levels is appreciated, under teacher guidance. Parent participation in sports coaching and supervision, grounds maintenance, working bees, all fundraising, and school lunch orders is appreciated when called for.
17. Awapuni School Parent Support Group (PSG)
The PSG is an integral part of Awapuni School having contributed hundreds of thousands of dollars to small and large scale projects. The Playscape, the gymnasium/hall, library resources, school hats and physical education equipment are areas the PSG have contributed significantly over the past years. We are grateful to the efforts of those parent supporters who have gone before us and enriched the school environment for us. The PSG is a registered society with its own management committee and its own constitution with every parent/caregiver of an enrolled student automatically a member. We are always looking for whānau to support in any way they can and try to keep impact on your time to a minimum.
18. Physical Education and Health
Physical Education and Health are compulsory areas of the curriculum. If for any reason your child/ren are temporarily unable to take part in these lessons, parents must notify the school. Normally this is done by a letter to the classroom teacher. During the Summer months it is important for all children to bring togs to school for instructional swimming. For other physical activities children are expected to wear suitable clothing that allows freedom of movement. Shorts are preferred. For Out of School sports an appropriate uniform is worn.We are currently developing a school sport top which will be made available for sale once organised.
19. Awapuni School Board of Trustees
The Board of Trustees consists of five parent representatives, the Principal and Staff Representative. The Board has the full responsibility for the governance of the school. Usually 2 meetings are held per term. In 2020 Board Elections were held. Parents are welcome to attend Board meetings but do not have speaking rights. School Charter and policies are available from the school office.
2022 Board of Trustees members are:
Mel Brouwer —Chairperson; Simone Morris, Tanya Waru, Renee Raroa, Marire Kuka, Kahu Walker - Principal, and Sherryl Gomm - Staff trustee, Penny Scragg - Board Secretary
20. School Charter
Our School Charter is reviewed annually. Part of the process is to set annual achievement targets—our targets for student achievement this year are in the area of Mathematics, Reading & Writing.
A full copy of the Charter is available from the school office or by clicking here
21. Positive Behaviour 4 Learning (PB4L)
We strive for a physically and emotionally safe school where children can express themselves free of fear or failure. PB4L is a school-wide programme of positively teaching and acknowledging appropriate social skills. Inappropriate behaviours are actively addressed with a focus on teaching children how to make better choices. We develop the positive social skills that support a “kind” and effective learning community.
Our four key values are Be KIND to yourself, Be KIND to others, Be KIND to the environment, and Be the community KIND.
22. Internet Safety:
All parents/students sign on enrolment a document pledging to use the internet in an acceptable way. This is monitored by teachers.
23. Publication of work and images on websites
Permission must be granted by parents/caregivers for this to occur. This is completed on enrolment.
24. School Donation
Awapuni School has opted into the Government Donation scheme, therefore there will be no school donation expected this year.
25. School Dental Care
The dental therapist now operates from mobile clinics. We will not have a permanent therapist on site and the school community will be notified when a mobile clinic is expected. In the event of needing dental treatment then you can contact them direct on 8675096.
26. Smoke-free
Awapuni School buildings and grounds are smoke free. Our school is committed to promoting healthy well being for its staff and students by providing a smoke-free environment. Smoke free includes vaping.
27. Parents Taking Children from School During the Day
It is sometimes necessary for parents to take children from school during school hours. Parents are asked to advise class teachers when the child is leaving and the reason. You must also report to the school office and sign your child out officially by “signing out”. This will save confusion and worry as to the child’s whereabouts. If in doubt notify the teacher and then if necessary the Principal.
28. School Traffic Patrols
School traffic patrols operate after school on Awapuni Road until 3.15pm. Teachers are rostered to supervise the patrols after school.
29. School Hours
8.00 - 8.15 am When children arrive early they wait at designated space.
(Bus shelter by the hall).
8.15 - 8.55 am Pupils may enter buildings. Supervision by school starts.
8.55am First bell rings
9.00 - 11.00 am First block of instruction
11.00 - 11.20 am Interval
11.20 - 12.30 am Second block of instruction
12.30 - 12.45 pm School lunches eaten together in class
12.45 - 1.30pm Lunch break
1:35 - 3.00 pm Third block of instruction
30. Vehicles / Parking
Parking is at a premium in the school grounds. The school has an excellent turning bay/parking area at the front gate. The turning bay is for dropping off and picking up pupils and the centre parking area is to be used for the cars waiting for children. Visitors and staff are permitted to park in the car park.
Please note the no right turn at certain times of the day when entering Awapuni Road from the school car park.
WALKWAY: You can also drop children in Anzac Street, with students able to safely walk through Alfred Cox Park and across the walkway and bridge into school. Anzac Rd is also patrolled by a teacher each afternoon as a collection point for students.
31. Sun Safety/Wearing of Hats
Awapuni School is a “Sun Safe School” this means all children wear a standard yellow hat when outside in terms 1 and 4. The yellow hat can be purchased from the school office or from the Warehouse.
32. School Uniform
The wearing of a full school uniform is compulsory.
Uniform items and costs are listed below. They are available from the school office.
Uniform item Cost
*Polo shirt $31
*Jersey $70
*Jacket $65
*Black shorts – boys & girls $20
*Black Skort – girls (optional) $25
*Black Track pants $37
Hat $13
Pricing above is for the sizes up to a Small. Medium and above are more expensive and may need to be ordered.
33. School Lunches
In 2020 our school was very lucky to access the Free Lunch in School’s Programme funded by the Ministry of Education. This is a great programme and so nice that every child in our school can have a great meal provided every day that is nutritious and healthy. It is not compulsory for you child to participate in this programme, however we strongly advise they do. Upon enrolment we gather dietary and allergen information and this is strictly adhered to by our amazing provider, Puku Ora. Children all eat lunch together and this has grown a fantastic healthy culture around food, using manners, and also children trying new food.
We ask that you provide fruit for Brain Break and a healthy morning tea for your child and the rest is taken care of.
34. Privacy of Information
Parents / Caregivers are advised that at Awapuni School we collect and record information on each student for the following reasons:
1. Personal details for the purpose of contact and correspondence, including school reports.
2. Addressing health issues.
3. Addressing issues of academic achievement, including Portfolios for Assessment.
4. Ministry of Education requirements.
35. Staff for 2022
Principal: Mr Kahu Walker
Deputy Principal: Mr Stu Barclay
Assistant Principal/Learning Support Coordinator: Ms Lesley Allen
Team Toroa: (Classes with Years 5 & 6 Students)
Team Support: Stu Barclay
Room 1: Mrs Summer Ruru Room 2: Miss Alanna Morrow-Rankin & Mr Stu Barclay
Room 3: Mrs Sherryl Gomm
Team Karearea: (Classes with Years 3, 4 & 5 Students)
Team Support: Kahu Walker
Room 4: Miss Tania Forster Room 6: Miss Holly Kapene
Room 7: Mrs Sulle Ovenden
Team Weka: ( Classes with Years 2, 3 & 4 students)
Team Support:
Room 10 : Mrs Emma Robinson
Room 11: Miss Briar Moore Room 12: Miss Maeve Cairns
Team Pukeko: ( Classes with New Entrant & Year 1 students)
Team Support: Ms Lesley Allen
Room 8: Miss Caitlin Savage Room 13: Mrs Mai Gooch
Room 14: Mrs Lisa Dixon Room 15: Mrs Anna McLeod & Ms Carolyn Malone
Support Staff:
Office Secretary: Mrs Penny Scragg , Ms Sapphire Hawes
Library Assistant: Ms Sapphire Hawes
Teacher Aides: Mrs Rose Faber, Miss Angela Griffiths, Miss Sophie Bava, Miss Koby-Lee Dixon
Caretaker/Groundsman: Mr Allan Rogers
ICT Technician: Mr Tony Scragg
Cleaners: Mr Anaru and Mrs Sonia Jones