Bring your own device (BYOD) operates in Team Pango. Students bring their own device to school to use as a tool in their learning.  Parents are guided in their purchase and we recommend Chromebooks because of their affordability and capabilities.  Awapuni School works hard at offering equity of access to devices so that all students are able to work digitally in Team Pango. 

By using Google Suite students have single-user sign on to a suite of tools that they use in many ways. Awapuni School is building digital fluency in many ways - not just by being able to type a story. Students learn that with the power of the device and the internet comes responsibility. Digital Citizenship is taught explicitly across the team. 

When creating a digital object students aim to achieve "sisomo" to capture their audience's attention and to share their learning with this audience.  Teachers plan and use the pedagogy of "learn, create, share, assess" so that students use devices creatively. 

Teachers are able to use digital platforms such as Google Sites and Google Classroom to share their planning and learning tasks with students. This makes learning visible and students can personalise their learning and can work at their own pace. 

Social media and Google Suite offer many opportunities for learners to share their digital objects with family/whānau as it is created and seek feedback and feedforward from them.  

Awapuni School has ultra-fast broadband and wifi throughout the school which mean access is of a high quality. Our technician runs monitoring software which means students are protected at a high level while they are on the internet.